Saturday, September 5, 2020

1981 & 1982 Suzuki RM 465cc

We'll call these two bikes the twins, except for a few minor changes they are the same bike. After getting a taste of motocross in 1980 on the Suzuki RM 400cc, I couldn't wait to begin the 81 season. Suzuki came out that year with this all-new Suzuki RM 465cc machine, it was a completely new design. Everything changed as well as the newly developed Full Floater single shock design Suzuki introduced that year. The need for more travel in the area of suspension had driven the manufactures to abandon the time-proven duel shock design of old and develop a working model using only one shock. This was accomplished by using various linkages with multiple pivoting points, each manufacture developed its own unique design. Yamaha was the first to deliver with their Monoshock, then Kawasaki had their Uni-Track, Suzuki their Full Floater, and finally Honda the Pro-Link.

For what was called the Open Bike division back then, 1981 was the first year for Suzuki's single shock design on the big bikes. I was now beginning to take this motocross racing pretty seriously. With all the changes to the new model, I had to have one of the new ones. At the skill level of which I was racing, my RM 400cc from the previous year would have been just fine, but I had plans for going faster, I needed this new bike. So I purchased this 1981 Suzuki RM 465cc for the 81 season. It really was a great bike, everything the old RM 400cc was and 65 times more. Their new single shock really did work very well, the larger displacement engine was horses ahead of the old one.

In 1982 Suzuki made some minor improvements for the new model, but for the most part, was the same bike. I certainly would have been just as well off with the 81 model. But I was getting even more serious now, still wanting to go faster, wanting to be better. Winning was becoming all-important and getting even a slight advantage was worth sacrifice. So for the option of having all new equipment as well as a mental advantage, I purchased this 1982 Suzuki RM 465cc for the 82 season. It was as good as the 81 and I have nothing but good to say about either of them. I loved riding them, I could win on them, and I probably did go faster in 82. I can't remember which year, but during either 1981 or 1982 I fell during practice at Bathsprings one evening and injured my right hand that required surgery. That took me out for a while, left me with a scare as well as a stiff thumb.

Bath Springs had begun having their own track championship by accumulating points during the season and awarding a championship at the end of the year. Winning had become so important to me, I continued to race at least one, maybe two events there with a cast on my arm and a portion of my right hand after the injury to maintain some championship points. Yea, I know, kind of foolish, letting a trophy become that important was the root of that foolishness. It did bear fruit though, I think I retained enough points to get 3rd overall for the year.

I always felt pretty confident about winning, however, as Bathsprings began to become more popular, it became one of the most popular tracks around, more riders began showing up. Some of the names that come to mind concerning the big bikes are Steve Lemons from Dyersburg, TN. Jimmy Creasy from Henderson, TN. Bill Easter from Counce, TN, along with others that have escaped my memory. I wouldn't have admitted it then, but they were all faster than I was. We did have some good races though, and I did win numerous times having a home track advantage. We also began venturing out to other tracks, even if I didn't win, if I could be in the mix and feel like I could have won I was still stoked! It is good to have a healthy desire to improve, to achieve, and master a thing. There is a danger though in letting such things take priority in life, reaching a level that is destructive in character or hurtful to others.

Most sin in our lives comes not so much from an act but from the driving force of that act. Scripture does not say it is a sin for a man to look at a woman, but it does say it is a sin to look in a way that is driven by lust. The sin is not in the looking, it is in the lusting which drives the looking, which resides in the heart.

I remember during this time with these bikes when an important event involving family and friends could have possibly occurred at the same time as a racing event. They didn't coincide and I didn't have to make the decision but to have not attended this event would have hurt family, friends and been a bad reflection on my character. I wish I could say for certain I would have made the right decision, but I remember how uncertain I was in what I was going to do. My love of racing was quickly becoming a strong priority in my life. It was beginning to hold a place that wasn't healthy. I realize now it was only a temporal achievement I was seeking, yet in our youth, such things can hold so great a value in our lives.

That is why it is so important for us to study the Scriptures not only in our youth but throughout our lives. The Scriptures guide us, open our hearts to our inward motives and secret desires. They make it possible for us to see and understand ourselves as we otherwise would not be able to do. They strengthen the inward being that we might live and act as we should. Winning is great! However, one must examine oneself for the motive, for the motive can make a wonderful blessing a grievous sin.

Col 1:9 Since the day we heard these things about you, we have continued praying for you. This is what we pray: that God will make you completely sure of what he wants by giving you all the wisdom and spiritual understanding you need; (ERV)

Col 1:10 that this will help you live in a way that brings honor to the Lord and pleases him in every way; that your life will produce good works of every kind and that you will grow in your knowledge of God; (ERV)

2Ti 3:15 You have known the Holy Scriptures since you were a child. These Scriptures are able to make you wise. And that wisdom leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (ERV)

2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching the right way to live. (ERV)

2Pe 1:3 Jesus has the power of God. And his power has given us everything we need to live a life devoted to God. We have these things because we know him [through the study of His Word]. Jesus chose us by his glory and goodness, (ERV)

May God bless,


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