Sunday, June 28, 2020

Where it all began.

This is where it all began for me. I believe it was in the spring of 1970, Dad, Mom, and I was driving through Parsons, TN. Heading north on Tenessee Ave., just before you get to the second light, there is an old building on your left right before the gas station that is there now. I was riding in the back seat looking out the window and noticed this bright red mini bike parked out front of this store.
Having never seen one before I immediately brought it to my Dad's attention. He didn't say much and we drove on. Don't remember where we went, but I do remember when we came back through, Dad pulled over at this store. I couldn't believe we were actually going to stop and look at this mini bike.
My Dad bought this Red Hornet mini bike for me that day, put it in the trunk of the car and we brought it home. I was 11 years old, and can still remember my first ride up the path to my great Uncle's house. Wow! What a ride! It was a 2 1/2 hp Briggs engine and I had never felt such power! I don't remember what happened to it, but for the next three years, this little Hornet was my very best friend. I fell in love with riding with only two wheels that day and have never gotten over it.

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A. I. (Atheist Illusion) Chapter Three